10 Tired Marketing Trends

Sophie Zollmann
2 min readDec 11, 2020

We’re getting ready to send 2020 packing, and this crazy year can take these outdated marketing trends with it!

This week we’re looking at 10 marketing trends to toss in 2021. Say goodbye to annoying pop-ups, generic content, and vague marketing strategies. It’s time to refine your approach, update your technology and give your customers the valuable content they deserve!

Here are the 10 tired trends you should leave behind:

1. Pop-up ads

They’re completely annoying, they don’t help your conversion rates, and they slow down your website performance!

2. Generic stock images

Your audiences want to see REAL- personalized images or videos resonate far more with users than a basic, boring stock photo.

3. Avoiding the camera

Don’t let stage fright get in the way of producing awesome, relatable content. It’s not nearly as hard as you might think, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.

4. Choosing quantity over quality

Content is king, but If you’re churning out content left and right just to have something to post, you’re actually hurting your brand’s image.

5. Forgetting about your existing customers

New leads are great, but retaining loyal customers matters just as much, if not more, than attracting new ones!

6. Relying on an outdated website

If you haven’t updated your website in the last year, it’s time to do some virtual housekeeping!

7. Letting your sales process fall behind

2020 brought a huge increase in online businesses. With so much competition, your sales process needs to be efficient, easy, and lightning-fast.

8. Wasting money on non-targeted marketing

2021 is the year to fine-tune your targeting strategy to get higher click throughs and better conversion rates.

9. Thinking SEO doesn’t matter

Your customers can’t buy from you if they can’t find your website. Concentrate on optimizing your website and creating the content that improves your SEO ranking and drives more leads to your brand.

10. Throwing ideas at the wall

You’re wasting time, you’re wasting money, you’re losing sales. This is the year that you are going to have a clear, defined, well-researched marketing strategy!

To learn more about which marketing trends to ditch in 2021 tune in Building Your Empire with SophieZo!



Sophie Zollmann

Bonafide chaos coordinator who uses her organizational wizardry and marketing expertise to create strategies and solutions for next-level business.