Your business is constantly evolving, and sometimes your branding can’t keep up.
I’ve shared lots of tips on updating and refreshing, but today, we’re going to talk about what to do when a few tweaks aren’t enough. Today we’re going to talk about making BIG changes and letting go of worrying about what people might think.
There are lots of reasons a business owner might rebrand, but here are some of the most common signs that it’s time to make some major changes:
· You feel like your branding no longer reflects your brand vision.
When your business has grown and your business model has changed, you might have to rebrand to accurately represent what your business is today.
· You no longer have a cohesive brand image.
Making small changes here and there can add up to a hodgepodge that doesn’t fit the image you want to project for your brand. Rebranding can help you pull all elements of your branding together to make a cohesive brand image.
· Your branding doesn’t help you stand out from your competition.
If you don’t have a look and message that sets you apart from your competition, you could be losing potential customers. The more you stand out, the more customers you’ll get. When you’ve got a website that has great copy and messaging, and a bold, eye-catching look, you’ll stand head and shoulders above the rest.
· Your current branding no longer reflects the products or services you offer.
As your business has grown, you’ve likely added to your roster of services or your product catalogue. If your branding doesn’t adequately reflect everything you offer now, it’s time to rebrand.
· You feel like your current branding is holding you back.
It’s only natural that you want to take on new challenges, but sometimes outdated branding can make you feel stuck. If your branding is preventing you from raising prices when needed or holding you back from attracting the type of customers you want to work with, you need to fix that.
There are all sorts of reasons to rebrand, but even if you think it’s time, it’s still really hard to make that decision. One of the main things that holds business owners back is worrying about what their customers will think.
My best advice? Don’t!
Be you, and only you. Do what makes you happy. Run your business the way YOU want to run it. Let go of the worry that people won’t like the changes you make in your business. It’s YOUR business, and it needs to make you happy, too. Stay true to yourself and the rest will follow.
For more tips on recognizing when it’s time to rebrand, check out the latest episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo.